Visual Development homework... or rather Final. Lol, someone has pointed out I always have crap references in my titles, so I thought I'd continue :D Just random interiors, a vehicle, and final characters :D
Visual Development homework, just tighter drafts than the previous week... not much else, besides the illustration homework and workshops. Illustration homework. Unfortunately, I'm starting to really... er... have issues. Random shiteeeee..... braaaaaarggghh
Yeah, I misunderstood the assignment about character design, and attitudes and shit. Then I drew them all too generic, ah well, we get another week. Character Designs and also preliminary exteriors (yeah, they're kind of boring, I did them at work).
Breaking in the new tablet :) OMG, this video is fucking hilarious :D
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Argh, just some old stuff. Illustration is such a tedious class, goddammit. I was never good at inks and patterns and shit, i must have screwed up at least 10 freaking times. Blergh, I want to pull my hair out.
That and i lost all my computer data, gorramit.
Old stuff, atmospheric perspective and layout design. Inks, Kyo the lead singer of Dir en grey And some 5 minute doodle on pchat. I ran out of things to show, ok?